Perth Yoga Studio - Nia Technique Movement for Health and Fitness

Nia is a great alternative or complement to Yoga or Pilates. It need not involve going to the floor and can be done barefoot or with shoes. Classes are suitable for any age, fitness level or ability.

Perth Yoga Studio DAYTIME Wednesdays 1 - 2.30pm
Classes also at Stirling and Dunblane - daytime & evening.

Perth Yoga Studio has been home to Nia in Perth for over a year
now and the class has a warm and friendly atmosphere.
We particulary love this beautiful room and ambience provided
by this very gracious light upstairs studio and we all feel this is a
very special place to do Nia. In the winter the sun comes streaming
through the lovely windows and it feels good to be alive!
Since Susan also runs Nia classes in Dunblane some students
located between these locations mix and match between Perth and
Dunblane, especially as there is an evening class Wednesdays in Dunblane.
As a person whose prime difficulty a few years ago was in attempting to find a high quality, stimulating and enjoyable DAYTIME way to fitness Perth Nia teacher Susan Rees is dedicated to daytime provision, however evening classes are in planning and will be certainly be available if enough of you ask for them!
Many people have found this class as an antidote to the diet of gym-based fitness or after feeling intimidated or out of place in other fitness classes available in Perthshire. Booking or blocks are currently not required and the class is drop-in. This will be under-review from October 2017 so please come along and reserve your space now.
The class typically takes a holiday, with special events only during the months of July and August but will restart always first week of September. Nia is over 30 years old worldwide and has been 10 years in Scotland but it has been quite low profile, so that is why you haven't heard of it!
In Nia the one rule we have is that you do the movements your way
(or even not at all if you do not want to) and we look for pleasure.
If it hurts - don't do it! Everybody is encouraged to do the moves in
'their body's way'.
The teacher mostly faces front during class and is an example only, there
is no judgement or pressure regarding matching my move. You choose
how closely or loosley you match the suggested move. I guide the class
into varying their levels and intensity, so that if you are not too fit or flexible we keep the moves close to the centre of the body and do not sink too low. Fitter or more energetic movers may move bigger, wider and deeper than me, and that is great too. We leave out any moves we might find dangerous, uncomfortable or just plain impossible and over time we learn to replace those moves with our own substitute or version. For example, if you had an injury to the left arm perhaps you may decide to do all arms moves with the right arm, whichever arm you see me using, or you may decide simply to leave them out....that is for you to decide and experiment with! Many of us dislike gym-based classes finding them lifeless - daunting and - well - boring! We all love how wonderful the inspiring Nia music sounds in this studio and we have enjoyed haunting melodies, jazzy tunes, african rythms and Asian music to name just a few delights in the past year.
Nia helps movement in so many ways like posture and strength and moving the whole body according to its natural design so that, in a nutshell, you use parts of the body like the feet correctly which can mean you are then not mis-using and abusing other parts of the body like the knees or back. It is certainly no gym or competition! It really is movement for fitness and for gaining and relishing sheer pleasure in moving in more and better ways. There is definately a cardio benefit to Nia but that is not the end-all-be-all.
What is Nia ?
Nia is a kind-to-the body fitness class, for cardio health, body conditioning
and general feel-good health benefits that combines very simple moves
with influences and principles from dance, martial arts, tai chi,yoga and other techniques. Nia means community, great music and moves that feel good with TIME to ‘get-in’ to them!
Nia tones your mind and tunes your body. Each class leaves you energized, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced.
Nia is based on 52 ‘foundation’ moves and has been spreading gradually worldwide for 35 years. It is taught by certified Nia teachers who hold a Nia White Belt and Teaching License. Here in Scotland we have a lively Nia Scotland community and regular visits by international Nia trainers giving teacher and public classes.
Whilst Nia is ideally practiced barefoot for many benefits, this need not be the case and many students wear toe-socks or soft-shoes, where that best-suits their needs. However Perth Yoga Studio has a clean floor policy, so if you need to wear shoes (for example, perhaps you wear orthotic supports), please bring a clean or inside-only pair of shoes and to change into, and then slip your orthotics into them before class. Light trainers or ceildh dancing shoes are good options.
You can think of Nia as a kind of low-impact aerobics that is best done bare-foot - but that really is like describing an ice-cream sundae as a 'frozen milk in a dish' - it's only a partial description! So if you think you can't do 'aerobics' or dance classes, do think again about Nia. People come to Nia for many and varied reasons - general fitness, better movement after injury or surgery, weight loss, relaxation, stress relief etc. We move in a carefully crafted yet energising way and when you watch a video it doesn't really translate - you have to come along and try it - so please do just that! Nia is not just a "fitness class", it can be thought of also as a movement form, a lifestyle practice, a functional movement class, and a community. Whilst all classes are Nia, each Nia teacher is encouraged to offer their own style and emphasis within their classes. Susan is espeically committed to offereing simple-to-master moves, daytime classes (as well as evening), and inclusive and friendly environment and fabulous music.
Who Does Nia and Why?
Susan "I am 53, a little dumpy and little asthmatic. I do Nia because I love the music and because the moves are not too complicated and yet amazingly satisfying and enjoyable. It was the 'exercise class' I always wanted but never found. A class for the feeling of fitness that is not about pounding the body and doesn't make me feel less-than in any way. Doing Nia became learning to teach Nia in 2014, simply becuase I wanted to do more than one class a week and because I wanted others who felt excluded from fitness like me to find the joy in doing Nia".
Beth "I am 35 with two young children. Although others see me as tall and quite slim the other class members at Susan's Nia class were surprised to hear that I have never exercised. In fact I have never found a form of exercise that I enjoy. School PE was a complete turn off. A friend who had done Nia in the states persuaded me to try it. I loved it from the first class with Susan. Nia is a way of exercise I truly enjoy and I can already feel the benefits. My favorite Nia music is the track Opal from the routine Opal which is an amazing mix of haunting flute and energizing drum-beats."
Margaret "I was looking for a class that would be suitable after a double hip-replacement and have found Nia to just what I wanted. I sit on a chair during parts of a class that go down to the floor and Susan shows me how to adapt the movements to a seated position. I still feel part of the class and very often just go into my own movement on the chair to the wonderful music. I love the music to the routine 'Sexi' the best, especially the beautiful music of the first track."
Lisa "I am in my 20s and have felt unwelcome due to my body shape at other classes. I love that Nia is for any body and that I can move and enjoy the great music and adapt the moves to suit me. Its my space to be me and move freely. My favorite music is every single track from the routine 'Soul' which is an amazing Native American mix."
Julie: "I don't like to say so, but I have just turned 60! I do Yoga and Tai Chi and Nia. I love Susan's wonderful moves and I always leave the class smiling. Nia gives me that cardio element not present in my other classes and the treat of a little dance, music and fun! I had never tried 'exercise to music before' but read Susan's leaflet and decided to 'be brave'. I was surprised the first time how uncomplicated I found the class and how different movement feels in a Nia class, part of it is that it is done barefoot but also that we often discuss how to move in ways more in-tune with how the body works. My favorite music are the jazzy fun tracks we do like 'Just for Joy' from the routine 'Awake', I also adore the routine 'Soul' - in fact I love the music of every routine we do!"
Perth Class duration 1 hour; social & tips time before and tea/coffee after : so
the total time to 1.5 hours. Please arrive 1pm. Entry not possible after 1.15pm.
If you need to use a chair for getting up from the floor or sit during part of class you will be welcome.
Age 20, age 70+ or anything in between you will find a warm welcome at this friendly class. Quite a few students at this class work shifts and so cannot come every week, and so special account is taken for this in class planning.
We also have special book-ahead monthly Friday Night Nia Events at this location. See the Events section for the latest news.
You can also connect with this class via www.meetups.com Our meetup group name is:
'Perth Fitness Pleasure Nia Technique for all: Day&Eve'
You can find Nia in other locations in Scotland at www.niascotland.com or worldwide at www.nianow.com
More Perth Nia Class
Pictures and map....

Other classes with Susan

Perth Yoga Studio, 7 Rose Terrace (adjoins the North Inch Park).
Park opposite studio on meter or at Bells Sports Centre car park.
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