Hate Fitness Classes Drill-Sergeant attitude! Love Nia!
I was that ‘customer’ at the back of the class who got confused by turns, I went week-by week to dynaband, tums and bums, step aerobics and Yoga (though I know now I didn’t really give that much of a chance). I never saw much improvement in fitness and only went regularly to a class when I found the occasional special teachers who really cared about the music and who fostered a social side to their classes, and whose moves weren’t too complex or hard-pushing. I can’t stand being shouted at in a class in particular! Being told to do more does nothing for my motivation, but enjoying that magic when the moves fit the music and feel pleasureable to the body does.
I have found Nia to be 'joy in the body' and for me, the more joy I get, the more I do.... and so the more exercise I get and the fitter I get. Q.E.D.