Delighted to be holding regular online classses
Online classes using zoom have been a real challenge to set up - getting the music and mic right is not easy - believe me.
However from get-go I have been bowled over by your enthusiasm - and I found my own mojo.
I was amazed how good it felt - how close it came to our class experience and it was very good indeed to see your faces.
Thank you for all your lovely comments about how good the classes are - I am loving them too.
From the beginning of May I extended the programme beyond 1 or 2 classes a week to include innovative formats to make the most of the online world plus retaining our close community regular classes.
You can find out this weeks schedule and book in for a class here.
I am using a system called punchpass for online and future classes - you buy a 'pass' in advance of class which is really a set of 'tokens' - you then use them up at each class you attend.
You need to reserved your place for each online class you attend to get the unique private zoom link for that particular class on that particular day.
Go here and follow the steps at the top of the page - its really very simple....