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Nia's online classes NOW free for 1 month in response to Corvid-19 situation - plus - read more

In response to the current health situation Debbie Rosas, Nia Founder, yesterday announced an extension of the existing 14 day trial period to a super a MONTHS FREE TRIAL of Nia TV. Nia TV is a website platform that lets you practice Nia at home. After the free trial, you, as a class member, can then get 50% off a 6 month subscription. This is Debbie's gift to help keep us all moving and connected and she will be doing more to provide us the teachers and all class members with even more support, new material and opportunities as the situation unfolds. I am a massive fan of Nia TV - there are short 20 min classes, regular classes, like ours gentle classes and seated classes and lots of other educational material you can dance to or listen to at your leisure. including Nia Moving To Heal type classes for recovery from illness (use the 'therapeutic' button). We’ve recently been dancing Wild Joy Ride – well you can dance all those individual routines and more on this site. The only thing I don't like is that Nia TV uses the term 'workout' for a Classic Nia class (like we do) -- but we just have to live with that Americanism - it just means a class! 🌟It is also one of the primary tools I'll be using to keep us moving, and keep us connected. When you have a moment, please take a look and see about getting yourself connected. If you get stuck in the technology, please just give me a shout by sending me a Private Message (PM), email or telephone.

THERE IS ALSO A FURTHER OFFER OF 50% OFF 6 MONTHS -- send me an email to apply for that further offer, once you have that..... Go to your computer or a web browser on your phone and type in - you then go into a registration process to get a free subscription.

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