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Train in Scotland July 2020 to teach Nia

Its time to think about booking a chance to change your life.

* no previous experience needed

* any age or ability

* you don't have to be able to dance

* you do have to love music

* you can even do it if you have never done a Nia class at all (believe it or not - some people have done this - they heard about Nia -- took a leap of faith - did the course and never looked back)

* ...but we'd love you to journey to any of our Scottish classes to try Nia first - and if is possible talk to that teacher after class if you would like. If so, best to contact the teacher first. I am certainly happy to do this - and can manage it after most classes (but not all). I love to share Nia!

* no lightweight course - 7 days - of immersive delight - complete tools and inspiration for teaching and personal practice of the principles of The Nia Technique which is behind the classes.

We had 8 new classes start in Scotland since August --- and we've had an additional teacher training in December - so here's hoping for #yetMoreNia in 2019

Find out more about Nia Teacher Training in Scotland this July here....

Pay in two installments - one on booking, one 30 days before. If cancelled 30 days before - you can retain the credit for the next course (several a year in the UK, one a year in Scotland). Reboot your life, increase your awareness, zest for life, movement potential and learn tools for sustainable fitness -- and teaching Nia. One life changing week with two very special trainers, in community, making friends for life. #niacommunity #niatraining #whitebeltScotland

The 2020 training will take place in Edinburgh

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