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Fabulous NEW Routine Soul - Native American Influence

I'm back in weekly now in Stirling and on-demand in Perth and I am thrilled to be able to share the Nia Routine 'SOUL' with you. Put together by Nia Teacher Trainer Britta-von-Tagen in 2012 is is one of the most requested Nia Routines with such wonderful inspiring music and moves that fit the music in an incredibly satisfying way. The routine includes absoultely all of the Nia '52 Moves' too, so it is really good practice.

In July I completed my second level training in the practice of Nia (called 'Blue Belt) in Burntisland in Fife (Scotland's 'home of Nia') with Britta who is one of our 1st generatation Nia trainers (this means she was trained by the Nia Co-founders Debbie and Carlos). It was an amazing and intensive 7 days and included my dancing Soul in a class led by Britta and also leading a few tracks of Soul (with Britta lying on the grass watching me) outdoors at Abadour Castle! We had a ball! Britta mentioned that Soul was really invented at Burntisland (and performed in its final form for the first time there) such is the special place in her heart for our Scottish Nia community.

You can find out more about Soul in a YouTube video 'A Conversation with Britta von Tagen' where she talks about the inspiration behind the moves and exerts from the music is played.

The music is available from 'NiaSounds' and can be purchased from me or direct from the worldwide Nia website

So love this routine! At the moment we are learning a few moves and doing part of the routine...building up to the full works! Join us a soon as you get back from your travels; anytime its easy to pick up and such a pleasure to move to.

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