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Loving the floor...

When I lie down on the floor, its firm, flat surface reflects the state of my posture. Whether I lie prone, on my back, or on my side, the floor helps me feel inconsistencies, imbalances and tightness in my musculoskeletal system. As I gently move around on the floor, I have a better sense of what hurts and what doesn’t, and as I gradually adapt to the floor’s firm surface to find a comfortable, effortless position, I relax some of the tensions that are hard to detect when standing or seated. -- Stacy Barrows, Movement Therapist.

Get down there and love your body, love your life. Rolling from side to side, playing with the cat, dog, grandchild, child...just treat yourself today - its free!

All that said - there is NEVER any compulsion to go down to the floor in a Nia class. If its right for your body today, do floor moves on a chair or standing. Just move, breath and be in your body in pleasure.

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