What is Nia ?

Nia Technique - workout, practice, and lifestyle - was created by Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas in 1983. Debbie and Carlos were inspired by their commitment to make fitness and health a holistic experience accessible to all people. Nia soon became known for its legendary barefoot fusion workout

and pleasure-based approach to fitness and health. By the early 1990s, the fitness industry had come to embrace Nia’s methods, making Nia one of the leading practices in body-mindspirit fitness. Nia's reputation for innovative holistic approaches to fitness and health, under the leadership of Debbie Rosas and Jeff Stewart, led to the expansion of the practice into gyms, clubs, spas, schools, universities, hospitals, and dedicated Nia studios. The brand encompasses a music label–NiaSounds, a clothing line–NiaWear, and a training academy–Nia Technique. Today, Nia is still inspired by the same goal to make holistic fitness accessible and thereby help people live more meaningful and enjoyable lives in their bodies. We do this by giving people the same care we want for ourselves by making fitness and health affordable and teaching people how, though movement, they can maximize living in their bodies. Put simply, treating the body with love and respect, honoring the system of sustainability inherent in our body, we thrive.