Tired of aggressive fitness classes ? Nia is all about pleasure, movement ease and effective fitness
I have written a lot lately telling people over 50, 60 and 75 about how Nia can be for them but Nia has just as much appeal if you are...

What is Nia ?
Nia Technique - workout, practice, and lifestyle - was created by Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas in 1983. Debbie and Carlos were...

What is a Nia class like ?
This video produced by a U.K. Nia teacher with the kind cooperation of her lovely Nia class includes some great Nia music and a bit of a...

Nia in a nutshell
Nia is a low impact fitness-to-music class, backed by a body-centred health and wellness practice. Nia is ideally practiced barefoot...