Tired of aggressive fitness classes ? Nia is all about pleasure, movement ease and effective fitness

I have written a lot lately telling people over 50, 60 and 75 about how Nia can be for them but Nia has just as much appeal if you are just a tad bit younger! I have enthusiatic class members in their 20s! Its just that the fact is that high quality classes which welcome and appeal to those over 50 (who perhaps don't want to by gym bunnies any more or don't want yelling agressive boot-camp style classes) do seem to be hard to find. Classes labeled 'over 50' can often be boring, or too much intensity or too little. Some classes seem targeted for those who have never exercised and people turn up in street clothes. Whilst there is more around intended for those in their 20s -- even those don't meet the needs of those wanting a kinder-to-the-body or more stimulating experience.
I have people in their 20s who tell me Nia is the only form of fitness they have ever enjoyed and that they can feel its effectiveness.
I have people in their 50s who once did other gym or exercise classes who tell me they now want something sustainable that isn't going to damage their bodies.
See reviews on Facebook: Step in with Susan
Why should Nia appeal to you ?
* it's a class for the long term -- it is kind to the body and also will train you to use your body correctly - so that you will stay fitter for longer and more pleasurable (even if you are 20....whats not to like about that!)
* Nia is really good if you feel you uncoordinated or "can't dance", as the whole way each individual class is constructed helps you 'get in' to the moves more, leading to more enjoyment and hence a better fitness benefit
* there is no 'hanging on in there' grimly keeping going until the class is over .....people tell me they are sorry its finished!
* the music is inspiring, stimulating and interesting -- no boom boom street music with no lyrics or melody -- all kinds from haunting flute, jazz, world music, native american, latin, dance etc
* it's not just a fitness class -- there is a full mind body health and wellness practice behind the class -- your teacher brings you interesting tips on living in your body - and we often bring them alive in class
* its very effective, gets your heart rate up and improves balance, agility, flexibility, stability and strength
* classes foster community and friendship -- we often do coffee afterwards and the teacher is interested in supporting and inspiring you
* the moves feel good because they match the music so well and Nia gives you time to 'get into' each move and the freedom to do each move your way
* teacher faces front - you follow from the back - less embaressing, easier and more natural to follow
* we don't put people in a box -- you will move with all ages, abilities, sizes and shapes - all moving at their own level (teacher will explain how this works!) -- makes for a more stimulating and more rounded class and community experience -- and you can even come with your mother, sister, aunt (or even dare I say it husband, boyfirend or brother)
* Nia is here for the long-haul - it's been around for over 30 years, its worldwide and the co-founder Debbie Rosas and the Nia Training faculty are committed to providing, improving and supporting Nia for many years. Debbie is 66 now, still teaching, innovating and travelling the world, but when she does retire (if ever), plans are in place to continue on. Nia has never been there for the quick buck or fad (which is why maybe you've not heard of it). However this year we are making more of an effort to spread the word -- please tell your friends!
* There is even a book -- which came out in the 90s, look for 'The Nia Technique' book in the shops or on ebay or Amazon -- but you certainly don't need it for class
* Nia has 52 moves which become like old friends the more you do class which means you do get better at Nia each week - you do see progression leading to even more fitness and enjoyment; this doesn't happen with many "exercise classes".
* Nia makes you happy!

Debbie Rosas, Nia co-founder teaching a Nia class in Portland, Oregon, U.S
For more 'Why Nia' -- see the page from the top menu bar 'Why Nia' or play the video!
Step in with Susan (Perth Class) ....all ages moving together...we follow the teacher from the back....

Nia at Perth Yoga Studio: Friday eve class
Fitness is not punishment for the last thing you ate -- its about loving your body by giving it the movement it needs!