What is Nia ?
Nia Technique - workout, practice, and lifestyle - was created by Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas in 1983. Debbie and Carlos were...
Nia is for any body
In my classes I especially emphasise that Nia is for all ages and abilities, sizes and shapes. For those that love to dance and for those...
A better way
Nia - the workout, practice and lifestyle - originates from the inspirational story of two people searching for a better way, addressing...
Journey to Nia
About Susan Step in with Susan I teach Nia Classes in Stirling and Dunblane, and now with great pleasure have decided to bring Nia to...
Nia...then and now
Nia Founders: Carlos and Debbie Rosas, Studio Nia, Portland, Oregon in the 1980s Nia started in the 1980s in California with the...
What is a Nia class like ?
This video produced by a U.K. Nia teacher with the kind cooperation of her lovely Nia class includes some great Nia music and a bit of a...
Felt drained by other fitness classes - felt energised by Nia
Would you like to build a little fitness time into your life but most fitness ideas don't appeal ? Is it hard to build in a walk a day...
Hate Fitness Classes Drill-Sergeant attitude! Love Nia!
I was that ‘customer’ at the back of the class who got confused by turns, I went week-by week to dynaband, tums and bums, step aerobics...
No Coordination Needed!
Susan Rees, one of Scotlands Nia Teachers, says: "I have always loved the idea of aerobics or dance classes but have found very few I...
Nia in a nutshell
Nia is a low impact fitness-to-music class, backed by a body-centred health and wellness practice. Nia is ideally practiced barefoot...